Input parameters for Alfjup3d.f90: nrun: run number. In the zip file, the results from a run are in a folder called run??? where ??? is the 3-digit run number colatmin: Co-latitude of poleward most field line colatmax: Co-latitude of equatorward field line nx: number of cells in x (poloidal) direction ny: number of cells in y (azimuthal) direction mltmin: Minimum Magnetic Local Time (24 hour basis) of simulated volume mltmax: Maximum MLT dsmin: Minimum grid spacing in parallel direction (near the ionosphere) in terms of path length measured in Jovian radii dsmax: Maximum grid spacing rmax: Maximum rho value to simulate, based on equatorward field line cour: Courant number, must by < 1 for stability courepar: Courant number for parallel calculations tmax: maximum time of simulation dtplot: time interval between data dumps ixdrive: parameter to determine shape of imposed potential is x direction: 1: uniform (no field) 2: tanh (single pulse in electric field) 3: sech (balanced pulse in electric field) 4: sinusoidal variation 5: ln cosh (tanh like pulse in electric field) iydrive: shape of imposed potential in y direction (same as ixdrive, but option 5 not implemented) itdrive: time evolution of input: 1: sine wave 2: pulse 3. ramp (tanh) 4: spectrum of waves 5: wave packet 6: damped sine wave izdrive: location of driver: 0 = ionosphere; 1 = at top boundary tdrive: duration of input pulse, interpretation depends on itdrive: itdrive=1, tdrive is period of wave itdrive=2, tdrive is time to peak of pulse (pulse duration is 2*tdrive) itdrive=3: tdrive is time scale of tanh itdrive=4: tdrive is ramp-up time itdrive=5: tdrive is time to peak of wave packet itdrive=6: tdrive is damping time scale fmax: maximum frequency of waves (not used for itdrive = 1,2,3) itdrive=4: maximum frequency of spectrum itdrive= 5 or 6: frequency of wave dmax: used only for itdrive=4, gives frequency interval of input waves mlt0: center location of driver dmlt: width of driver edrive0: amplitude of driver, in mV/m ihemis: 1 for northern hemisphere, -1 for south d: current sheet width (in Rj) a1: inner edge of current sheet (in Rj) a2: outer edge of current sheet (in Rj) bsheet: magnitude of current sheet (mu0*I0 in Connerney notation) hscale: scale length for transition between dsmin and dsmax sigp: Pedersen conductance nion0: density at base of ionosphere hion0: scale height of ionospheric density nback: minimum density in lobes paramplot: if =1, write fullgrid.out file with grid and Alfvén speed eparfac: scaling factor for Eparallel factor, if =1 full factors, if =0, no Eparallel is calculated gridcalc: if =1, calculate grid, if =0, read grid files thist: time interval for history files nxhist,nyhist,nzhist: number of points in x,y,z direction for hist files xhist: locations in co-lat of history files (should have nxhist elements) yhist: locations in MLT of history files (should have nyhist elements) zhist: locations in radial distance for history files (should have nzhist elements) (The history files have names like hist123.out, which would be the history plots for xhist(1),yhist(2),zhist(3))