Welcome to public health moments from the University of Minnesota. Women with peripheral artery disease or AD are two to three times more likely to have a stroke or heart attack than those without it. Yet, it's often unrecognized and untreated, especially in women that's according to the American Heart Association, AD is a circulatory disease that left untreated can increase heart attack and stroke risk. University of Minnesota cardiologist Dr. Alan Hirsch says relatively few women are aware of PAD. Currently, the burden of peripheral heart disease is as high or higher in women than men. Less than 1.4 women are at risk of PAD, are aware of it and the risk of heart attack and stroke is as high as it would be if someone had already suffered a heart attack. Hirsch provides advice for women and for providers. The first call to action is to assure that women at risk. In general, women over the age of 50 or with heart disease risk factors are tested for PAD. One of the call to actions, to primary care clinicians and to women's heart health programs is to recognize that the risk women is not only the direct cardiac risk, but the risk of PA D. This is a message to practice holistically and to recognize that Aru disease, whether in the brain, heart or legs, is more or less equal for public health moment. I'm Mark Abritton.