This readme.txt file was generated on 2024-10-01 by Lata Kalra Recommended citation for the data: Kalra, Lata; Bee, Mark. (2024). Dataset supporting "Evidence of Rhythmic masking Release in Cope's gray treefrog". Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota (DRUM), ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: Dataset supporting "Evidence of Rhythmic masking Release in Cope's gray treefrog" 2. Author Information Author Contact: Lata Kalra ( Name: Lata Kalra Email: Affiliation: Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota Twin Cities Name: Mark Bee Email: Affiliation: Dept. of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota Twin Cities 3. Date published or finalized for release: 2024-09-12 4. Date of data collection: May-July of 2020, 2021, and 2022 5. Geographic location of data collection (where was data collected?): Tamarack Nature Center, Ramsey County, Minnesota 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: None 7. Overview of the data (abstract): The two dataset files correspond to the experimental and control behavioral data supporting the manuscript "Evidence of Rhythmic Masking Release in Cope's gray treefrog". This work investigates if a release from masking of a Target signal, in presence of a Distractor, is induced upon the further addition of a Captor stimulus. Four behavioral tests were preformed wherein Target signal was presented by itself, in presence of Distractor, Captor or both the Distractor and the Captor. The proportion of subjects responding to the experimental stimuli was recorded and compared between the four main tests. Additionally, four control tests were performed to confirm the behavioral neutrality of Distractor and Captor. In the control tests, the Distractor and the Captor were presented by themselves or in combination with each other. For each control test, the angle of the subject's first point of contact with the arena wall was recorded in relation to the active speaker. The angular distribution was analyzed to test if the angles were uniformly distributed (behaviorally neutral) or were clustered towards of away from the active speaker (behaviorally attractive or aversive, respectively). -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: 3. Was data derived from another source? If yes, list source(s): 4. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- Filename: Readme_Kalra_2024.txt Short description: Description of the data Filename: RMR_behvaioral_response_data.xlsx Short description: This dataset contains behavioral responses of the subjects to four types no- choice tests. Each type of no-choice test was performed at two levels of Target frequency and two signal to noise ratios (SNRs). Filename: RMR_control_data.xlsx Short description: This dataset contains behavioral responses of the subjects to four types of control tests. -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: This data is collected from phonotaxis assays that monitor a subject's movement in response to various acoustic stimuli. 2. Methods for processing the data: The data has been filtered to include selected parameters (columns) that were analyzed for the publication. 3. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Lata Kalra, various undergraduate researchers in Animal Communication Lab, University of Minnesota. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: RMR_behvaioral_response_data.xlsx ----------------------------------------- First column is Frog_id. This column depicts the unique id that each subject was given. Second column is the Temperature (degree Celsius) inside the sound chamber when the subject was tested. Third column is Trial_type. This signifies one of the five behavioral tests. Trial_type 'ref'= Reference test to confirm the species identity of the subject Trial_type 'quiet' = Subjects were presented with the Target stimulus by itself Trial_type 'Target + Distractor' = Subjects were presented with the pulses of the Target stimulus interleaved with the pulses of the Distractor Trial_type 'Target + Captor' = Subjects were presented with the pulses of the Target stimulus interleaved with the pulses of the Captor Trial_type 'Target + Distractor + Captor' = Subjects were presented with the pulses of the Target stimulus interleaved with the pulses of both the Distractor and the Captor Fourth column is SNR. An SNR of 0 dB signifies that the Sound pressure level of the Target was same as the Distractor and the Captor. An SNR of 6 dB signifies that the sound pressure level of the Target was 6 dB higher than the Distractor and the Captor. Fifth column is Frequency. This number signifies the frequency of the Target stimulus that was either 1250 or 2500 Hz. This column will have EMPTY cells if the 'Trial_type' is 'ref'. Sixth column is Response. A response of 1 signifies that the subject responded while a response of 0 signifies a no-response. Seventh column is the Latency_sec (sec). This column signifies how long a subject took to make a choice (units = seconds). Note that this column is assigned a value of 0 for rows in which the Response value was 0, that is no response. Any latency value of 0 for when the response is 1 signify that the experimenter did not record latency data. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: RMR_control_data.xlsx ----------------------------------------- First column is Frog_id. This column depicts the unique id that each subject was given. Second column is the Temperature (degree Celsius) inside the sound chamber when the subject was tested. Third column is Trial_type. Trial_type 'ref0', 'ref1' and 'ref2'siginfy the first, second and the third reference test, respectively. Trial_type 'control' signifies one of the four controls Fourth column is control_type. Control_type '2500_67dB' is the test in which subjects got 2500 Hz Distractor/Captor broadcast at 67 dB Control_type '1250_67dB' is the test in which subjects got 1250 Hz Distractor/Captor broadcast at 67 dB Control_type '1250+2500_67dB' is the test in which subjects got both 1250 Hz and 2500 Hz Distractor/Captor broadcast at 67 dB each NOTE: when the 'Trial_type' is 'ref0','ref1' and 'ref2', the cells in this column would be EMPTY. Fifth column is Response. A response of 1 signifies that the subject responded while a response of 0 signifies a no-response. Sixth column is Contact. 'yes' means that the subject made a contact with arena wall, 'cup' means that subject did not leave the release cage. 'no contact' means that subject left the release cage but never touched the arena wall. Seventh column is the angle (degrees). This column signifies the angular separation of the subject's first point of contact with arena wall in relation to the active speaker. Note that when Contact is 'cup' or 'no contact', then this column will have EMPTY cells