This readme.txt file was generated on 2023–08-14 by David Baldus. ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset Northshore Stream Restoration Assessment Physical Habitat Survey Data 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: David B. Baldus Institution: University of Minnesota Duluth Email: Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Karen B. Gran Institution: University of Minnesota Duluth Email: 3. Date published or finalized for release: 2023 4. Date of data collection: 2021-07-15 through 2021-10-27 5. Geographic location of data collection: Chester Creek Restoration Project at Chester Bowl Chester Control Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.6854119, -92.2715342 Bottom of Reach: 46.6847893, -92.2702558 Chester Treatment Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.6792062, -92.2651767 Bottom of Reach: 46.6782767, -92.2642550 East Beaver River Creek Restoration Project at Silver Bay Golf Course East Beaver Control Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.6854119, -92.2715342 Bottom of Reach: 46.6847893, -92.2702558 East Beaver Treatment Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.6792062, -92.2651767 Bottom of Reach: 46.6782767, -92.2642550 Keene Creek Restoration Project off of Okerstrom Road Keene Control Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.7688749, -92.1879622 Bottom of Reach: 46.7678943, -92.1883935 Keene Treatment Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.7737418, -92.1838749 Bottom of Reach: 46.7735512, -92.1856412 Miller Creek Restoration Project Downstream of Haines Rd Miller Control Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.82020344, -92.18084738 Bottom of Reach: 46.81954328, -92.18139225. Miller Treatment Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.8140162, -92.1697922 Bottom of Reach: 46.8128140, -92.1665832 Mission Creek Restoration Project Mission Control Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.6714644, -92.2788519 Bottom of Reach: 46.6709516, -92.2767228 Mission Treatment Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.6698608, -92.2759468 Bottom of Reach: 46.6687232, -92.2746775 Sargent Creek Restoration Project off of Beck’s Road and the William Munger Trail Sargent Control Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.6854119, -92.2715342 Bottom of Reach: 46.6847893, -92.2702558 Sargent Treatment Reach(Lat/Long DD): Top of Reach: 46.6792062, -92.2651767 Bottom of Reach: 46.6782767, -92.2642550 6. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: Funding for the collection of these data was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) 7. Overview of the data: These data are the result of a field season of physical habitat surveys conducted on control and treatment reach pairs at six stream restoration projects. The treatment reach of each pair was restored and the control reach was not. The control reach was not treated as a degraded pre-restoration reach nor as the standard to be restored to but rather as a representative reach undisturbed by restoration efforts. These surveys were conducted as part of an effort to assess the effects that restoration practices have on a stream ecosystems. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: These data are available with a Attribution 3.0 United States license ( 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Not applicable 3. Terms of Use: Data Repository for the U of Minnesota (DRUM) By using these files, users agree to the Terms of Use. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. Filename: CHANRIP_LCCMR_2021 Short description: Bank angle, human influence, canopy coverage and visual riparian vegetation coverage data B. Filename: CHANNEL_LCCMR_2021 Short description: Large woody debris count, floodprone width, and in-channel habitat coverage data C. Filename: EMBED_LCCMR_2021 Short description: Grain embeddedness data D. Filename: GRAINS_LCCMR_2021 Short description: Grain size distribution data from Wolman pebble counts E. Filename: CHTX_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of Chester Creek treatment reach F. Filename: CHCNTRL_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of Chester Creek control reach G. Filename: EBTX_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of East Beaver River treatment reach H. Filename: EBCNTRL_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of East Beaver River control reach I. Filename: KNTX_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of Keene Creek treatment reach J. Filename: KNCNTRL_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of Keene Creek control reach K. Filename: MSTX_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of Mission Creek treatment reach L. Filename: MSCNTRL_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of Mission Creek control reach M. Filename: MLTX_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of Miller Creek treatment reach N. Filename: MLCNTRL_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of Miller Creek control reach O. Filename: SGTTX_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of Sargent Creek treatment reach P. Filename: SGTCNTRL_SURVEY Short description: UTM Coordinates for longitudinal and cross-sectional surveys of Sargent Creek control reach Q. Filename: Field_Form.pdf Short description: Sample field sheet -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: Full physical habitat characterization survey procedures were adapted from the NRSA Physical Habitat Characterization Survey and the Minnesota Stream Quantification Tool. A full description of these survey protocols can be found in the USEPA and MNSQT manuals. Our adaptations on these surveys are described here. Each reach was divided into 11 evenly spaced transects along the reach according to NRSA protocol (USEPA 2017). These transects were labels A – K, with A being the upstream boundary of reach and K being the downstream boundary. The channel bed elevations and water depth were recorded along the thalweg during a longitudinal survey of the reach. Measurements were taken at ten evenly spaced points between each set of transects and more frequently at abrupt changes in slope or habitat type. At each measurement point habitat type and bed material type were recorded. Habitat units were categorized into riffles (including steps, riffles, and runs) and pools (including pools and glides). Bed material was simply denoted as hard or soft depending on whether the survey rod penetrated the surface when placed upon it. A cross sectional survey of the bed surface was conducted at each transect. The location of the bed surface was recorded at the top of bank, bankfull, water’s edge, left and right quarter, and channel center. Top of bank is defined here as the point at which the geomorphically active bank rolls over on to the floodplain. Floodprone Width (FPW) was also measured at each transect using a laser rangefinder. FPW is defined by the MNSQT as the width of the floodplain that would be inundated by a flow that is twice the bankfull depth (MNSQT). Longitudinal and Cross sectional surveys were conducted using a Trimble S6 total station. Survey data were georeferenced using a handheld Trimble Geo7X differential GPS. In-channel and riparian habitat surveys were conducted at each transect. Aquatic vegetation and in-channel fish cover were estimated visually within plots extending five meters upstream and five meters downstream from the transect using NRSA survey procedures (USEPA 2017). This plot was extended 10 meters into the floodplain from each bank to estimate riparian vegetation structure. Percent coverage was binned into the following categories and scored accordingly, 0 Absent (0%), 1 Scarce (>10%), 2 Moderate (10-40%), 3 Heavy (40-75%), and 4 Very Heavy (>75%). Riparian vegetation is binned into the categories by height; Canopy (>5m), Understory (5 > 0.5m), Ground Cover (> 0.5m), and then subdivided by vegetation type. A sample field sheet for these surveys is included as Field_Form.pdf. At each transect canopy density, clast embeddedness, and bank angle were also measured. Canopy density was measured using a spherical crown densiometer at each bank facing that bank and at the channel center facing upstream and downstream and facing each bank. These measurements were converted into percent density and summed for the full reach. Bank angle was measured on both banks at each transect. Angle was measured 0.5 meters from the water’s edge using a Brunton. Grain size and a visual estimate of percent embeddedness was recorded for five random grains sampled evenly across each transect. Reach-scale grain size distributions was characterized for each reach using two composite Wolman pebble counts. One was conducted measuring 100 grains randomly sampled from the reach’s pools, and one was conducted sampling the riffles. A large woody debris (LWD) tally was conducted for the full reach following the NRSA protocol which bins LWD by diameter and length setting the minimum diameter at 10 cm. Citations: USEPA. 2017. National Rivers and Streams Assessment 2018/19: Field Operations Manual – Wadable. EPA-841-B-17-003a. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water. MNSQT “Minnesota Stream Quantification Tool and Debit Calculator.” Minnesota Stream Quantification Tool and Debit Calculator | MN Board of Water, Soil Resources, (accessed April 2021) 2. Methods for processing the data: These are the raw data. 4. Environmental/experimental conditions: 2021 was a low flow year in Minnesota. 5. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Sample collection was conducted with help from Annika Erickson, Katie Linderholm, Travis Boser, Peter Book, Cami Citrowske, Soren Dybing, Oliva Gay, Charlie Grabow, Steven Gilsdorf, Addison Knoll, Mary McMahon, Eric Rogers, Alexandra Thoresen, Andy Kasun, and Bradly Evraets. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [CHANRIP_LCCMR_2021.csv] ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 28 2. Number of cases/rows: 1597 3. Missing data codes: Code/symbol: NA Definition: Not applicable to given sample 4. Variable List A. Name: SITE_ID Description: Sample site location (Creek followed by Reach Type) Creek Abbreviations: Chester - CH, East Beaver - EB, Keene - KN, Miller - ML Mission - MS, Sargent - SGT B. Name: DATE_COL Description: Date Sample was collected in M/DD/YYYY format. C. Name: TRANSECT Description: Stream transect data was gathered from. Labeled A-K from top of reach downstream D. Name: BANK Description: Provides information for sample location. CD - Stream center facing downstream, CL - Stream center facing river left, CR - Stream center facing river right, CU - Stream center facing upstream, LF - Left bank, RT - Right bank. E. Name: SAMPLE_TYPE Description: Description of sample type: CANCOVERW - Canopy cover measurement by densiometer, BANKW - bank angle, HUMINFLUW - presence of human influence, VISRIPW - Visual riparian coverage estimate. F. Name: ANGLE Description: Bank angle measured 0.5 Meters from waters edge. G. Name: UNDERCUT Description: Undercut depth in meters if bank is undercut. H. Name: CANVEG Description: Canopy Vegetation type: D - Deciduous, C - Coniferous, E - Broadleaf Evergreen, M - Mixed, N - None. I. Name: CANBTRE Description: Visual estimate of canopy big tree presence (Trunk diameter >0.3 meters): 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). J. Name: CANSTRE Description: Visual estimate of canopy small tree presence (Trunk diameter <0.3 meters): 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). K. Name: UNDERVEG Description: Understory Woody Vegetation type: D - Deciduous, C - Coniferous, E - Broadleaf Evergreen, M - Mixed, N - None. L. Name: UNDWDY Description: Visual estimate of understory presence of woody vegetation: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). M. Name: UNDNWDY Description: Visual estimate of understory presence of non-woody vegetation: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). N. Name: GCWDY Description: Visual estimate of ground cover presence of woody vegetation: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). O. Name: GCNWDY Description: Visual estimate of ground cover presence of non-woody vegetation: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). P. Name: BARE Description: Visual estimate of bare ground presence: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). Q. Name: DENSIOM Description: Spherical crown densiometer reading, 0-17 Max R. Name: WALL Description: Presence of Wall/Dike/Revetment/Riprap/Dam: 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. S. Name: BUILD Description: Presence of Buildings: 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. T. Name: PAVE Description: Presence of Pavement/Cleared Lot: 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. U. Name: ROAD Description: Presence of Road/Railroad: 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. V. Name: PIPES Description: Presence of Pipes (inlet/outlet): 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. W. Name: TRASH Description: Presence of Trash: 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. X. Name: PARK Description: Presence of Park/Lawn: 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. Y. Name: ROW Description: Presence of Row Crops: 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. Z. Name: PAST Description: Presence of Pasture/Range/Hay Field: 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. AA. Name: LOG Description: Presence of Logging Operations: 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. AB. Name: MINE Description: Presence of Mining Activity: 0 - Not Present, P - >10m from bank, C - Within 10m plot, B - On bank. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [CHANRIP_LCCMR_2021.CSV] ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 38 2. Number of cases/rows: 389 3. Missing data codes: Code/symbol: NA Definition: Not applicable to given sample 4. Variable List A. Name: SITE_ID Description: Sample site location (Creek followed by Reach Type) Creek Abbreviations: Chester - CH, East Beaver - EB, Keene - KN, Miller - ML, Mission - MS, Sargent - SGT B. Name: DATE_COL Description: Date Sample was collected in M/DD/YYYY format. C. Name: TRANSECT Description: Stream transect data was gathered from. Labeled A-K from top of reach downstream D. Name: SAMPLE_TYPE Description: Description of sample type: BANKW - Floodprone width, FISHCOVW - Visual estimation of fish cover, LWDW - Large Woody Debris count. E. Name: FPWID Description: Floodprone width in meters. F. Name: ALGAE Description: Visual estimate of algae presence with in the channel plot: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). G. Name: BOULDR Description: Visual estimate of boulder cover with in the channel plot: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). H. Name: BRUSH Description: Visual estimate of brush or small woody debris (<0.3m diameter) cover within the channel plot: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). I. Name: LVTREE Description: Visual estimate of live tree or root presence within the channel plot: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). J. Name: MACPHY Description: Visual estimate of macrophyte presence within the channel plot: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). K. Name: OVRHNG Description: Visual estimate of overhanging vegetation within =<1 m of water surface with in the channel plot: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). L. Name: STRUCT Description: Visual estimate of cover provided by artificial structures within the channel plot: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). M. Name: WOODY Description: Visual estimate of large woody debris coverage (>0.3m diameter) with in the channel plot: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). N. Name: UNDCUT Description: Visual estimate of cover provided by undercut banks with in the channel plot: 0 - Absent (0%), 1 - Sparse (<10%), 2 - Moderate (10-40%), 3 - Heavy (40-70%), 4 - Very Heavy (>75%). O. Name: CLDLL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring >15 meters long and 0.6-0.8 meters in diameter. P. Name: CLDML Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring 5-15 meters long and 0.6-0.8 meters in diameter. Q. Name: CLDSL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring 1.5-5 meters long and 0.6-0.8 meters in diameter. R. Name: CMDLL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring >15 meters long and 0.3-0.6 meters in diameter. S. Name: CMDML Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring 5-15 meters long and 0.3-0.6 meters in diameter. T. Name: CMDSL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring 1.5-5 meters long and 0.3-0.6 meters in diameter. U. Name: CSDLL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring >15 meters long and 0.1-0.3 meters in diameter. V. Name: CSDML Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring 5-15 meters long and 0.1-0.3 meters in diameter. W. Name: CSDSL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring 1.5-5 meters long and 0.1-0.3 meters in diameter. X. Name: CXDLL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring >15 meters long and >0.8 meters in diameter. Y. Name: CXDML Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring 5-15 meters long and >0.8 meters in diameter. Z. Name: CXDSL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces partially or full within the bankfull channel measuring 1.5-5 meters long and >0.8 meters in diameter. AA. Name: BLDLL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring >15 meters long and 0.6-0.8 meters in diameter. AB. Name: BLDML Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring 5-15 meters long and 0.6-0.8 meters in diameter. AC. Name: BLDSL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring 1.5-5 meters long and 0.6-0.8 meters in diameter. AD. Name: BMDLL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring >15 meters long and 0.3-0.6 meters in diameter. AE. Name: BMDML Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring 5-15 meters long and 0.3-0.6 meters in diameter. AF. Name: BMDSL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring 1.5-5 meters long and 0.3-0.6 meters in diameter. AG. Name: BSDLL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring >15 meters long and 0.1-0.3 meters in diameter. AH. Name: BSDML Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring 5-15 meters long and 0.1-0.3 meters in diameter. AI. Name: BSDSL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring 1.5-5 meters long and 0.1-0.3 meters in diameter. AJ. Name: BXDLL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring >15 meters long and >0.8 meters in diameter. AK. Name: BXDML Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring 5-15 meters long and >0.8 meters in diameter. AL. Name: BXDSL Description: Count of large woody debris pieces bridging the bankfull channel measuring 1.5-5 meters long and >0.8 meters in diameter. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [EMBED_LCCMR_2021.csv] ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 6 2. Number of cases/rows: 799 3. Missing data codes: Code/symbol: NA Definition: Not applicable to given sample 4. Variable List A. Name: SITE_ID Description: Sample site location (Creek followed by Reach Type) Creek Abbreviations: Chester - CH, East Beaver - EB, Keene - KN, Miller - ML Mission - MS, Sargent - SGT B. Name: DATE_COL Description: Date Sample was collected in M/DD/YYYY format. C. Name: TRANSECT Description: Stream transect data was gathered from. Labeled A-K from top of reach downstream D. Name: TRANSDIR Description: Provides information for sample location. LB - Left Bank, L - Left Quadrant, C - Stream Center, R - Right Quadrant, RB - Right Bank, ALL - Not used. E. Name: EMBED Description: Percent embeddedness of class. E. Name: SIZE_CLS Description: Grain size class: RS - bedrock smooth, RR - bedrock rough, RC - concrete/asphalt, XB - large boulder (8000-4000mm), SB - small boulder (250mm-1000mm), CB - cobble (64-250mm), GC - coarse gravel (26-64mm), GF - fine gravel (2-18mm), SA - sand (0.05-2mm), FN - fines (not gritty), HP - hardpan, WD - wood, OT - other, OT/FN - macrophyte cover underlain by silt, RC/RR means bedrock or concrete, unsure which. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: [GRAINS_LCCMR_2021.csv] ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 25 2. Number of cases/rows: 20 3. Missing data codes: Code/symbol: NA Definition: Not Available 4. Variable List A. Name: SITE_ID Description: Sample site location (Creek followed by Reach Type) Creek Abbreviations: Chester - CH, East Beaver - EB, Keene - KN, Miller - ML Mission - MS, Sargent - SGT B. Name: DATE_COL Description: Date Sample was collected in M/DD/YYYY format. C. Name: HAB_TYPE Description: Habitat type pebble count was conducted in. D. Name: <2 to >4096 Variables D through X Description: Variables D through X are phi size class bins in millimeters. Each variable is instances of grains within each size class. i.e. 2-2.8 = number of grains with a b-axis measuring between 2mm and 2.8mm. Y. Name: TOT Description: Total grains counted. ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Survey files [XXXX_SURVEY.csv] ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 5 2. Number of cases/rows: NA 3. Missing data codes: Code/symbol: NA Definition: Not Available 4. Variable List A. Name: pt_name Description: Point name: 100-1100 refers to longitudinal profile survey points along the thalweg, increasing from upstream to downstream. a1 - k8 refers to cross sectional survey points with the letter referring to the transect being surveyed and the number referring to order points were collected in. B. Name: northing Description: northing of data point in UTM meters C. Name: easting Description: easting of data point in UTM meters D. Name: z Description: elevation of data point in meters, 0 being sea level. E. Name: note Description: data point characteristics. Longitudinal survey points: ws - water surface, bdhrl - bed surface hard substrate riffle, bdsrl - bed surface hard substrate riffle, bdspo - bed surface soft substrate pool, bdhpo - bed surface hard substrate pool, bdhst - bed surface hard substrate step, bdsgl - bed surface soft substrate glide. Cross Sectional survey points: tob - top of bank, lbkf - left bankful channel point, lb - left bank waters edge, l - left quadrant, c -center, r - right quadrant, rb - right bank waters edge, rbkf - right bankful channel point.