####################################################### GEM_Airborne_Data_Readme Greenhouse Emissions in the Midwest (GEM) airborne dataset README file (v5) 10/14/2019 ####################################################### Data PIs: Dylan Millet (dbm@umn.edu) and Eric Kort (eakort@umich.edu) The files contained in GEM_Airborne_Data.tar contain all trace gas measurements from the GEM aircraft campaigns (GEM-1, GEM-2, and GEM-3. These data are available for use on a collaborative basis. We request that you contact the above PIs if using the data, and prior to including it in any presentations or publication. ======================================================= Campaign dates ======================================================= GEM1: 2017-08-12 -> 2017-08-24 GEM2: 2018-01-17 -> 2018-01-28 GEM3: 2018-05-21 -> 2018-06-02 ======================================================= Trace gas instrumentation ======================================================= GEM1: ----- Picarro CRDS (model G2301, CH4, CO2, H2O) Aerodyne (N2O, CO2, CO, H2O) 2B Technologies (model 205, O3) GEM2: ----- Picarro CRDS (model G2210-m, CH4, CO2(wet), H2O, C2H6) Aerodyne (N2O, CO2, CO, H2O) 2B Technologies (model 205, O3) GEM3: ----- Picarro CRDS (model G2210-m, CH4, CO2(wet), H2O, C2H6) Aerodyne (N2O, H2O, [CO2&CO removed due to high noise]) 2B Technologies (model 205, O3) ======================================================= Data files and format ======================================================= 1-sec, 2-sec, 5-sec, and 1-min merge files are included for each flight in GEM-1, GEM-2, and GEM-3. Also included are all-flight 1-min merges for each campaign. Reported variables are as follows, with missing data flagged as -999999. ******** *********** Variable Description ******** *********** year Year of measurement month Month of measurement day Day of month time.out.utc Fractional day of year UTC Hemisphere Precision GPS variables: -------- g.lat GPS latitude (deg) g.lon GPS longitude (deg) g.alt.asl.m Altitude above sea level (m) g.zonal.speed.m.s Zonal speed (m/s) g.meridional.speed.m.s Meridional speed (m/s) g.heading.deg Heading (deg) g.pitch.deg Pitch (deg) g.roll.deg Roll (deg) Aspen flight information variables: -------- a.u.m.s E-W wind speed (m/s) a.v.m.s N-S wind speed (m/s) a.pressure.mb Ambient pressure (mb) a.ias.kts Indicated air speed (knots) a.tas.kts True air speed (knots) a.alt.ft Altitude (feet) a.oat.k Outside air temperature rounded to nearest degree (K) a.rot.deg.s Rate of turn (deg/s) a.vertical.speed.ft.s Vertical speed (feet/s) a.heading.deg Heading based on magnetic compass (deg) a.magnetic.variation.deg Magnetic variation (deg) Vaisala HMP60 variables: -------- t.temp.c Outside temperature (C) t.rh.pct Outside RH (%) Picarro variables: -------- p.specific.humidity.pct Specific humidity (%) p.ambient.pressure.mb Ambient pressure (mb) p.ch4.corrected.ppb CH4 mixing ratio (ppb) p.co2.corrected.ppm CO2 mixing ratio (ppm) 2B variables: -------- oz.o3.ppb Ozone mixing ratio (ppb) Aerodyne variables: -------- an.n2o N2O mixing ratio (ppb) an.co CO mixing ratio (ppb) an.co2 CO2 mixing ratio (ppm) an.h2o Specific humidity (%) co2.Flag Flag indicating > 2ppm disagreement between Picarro + Aerodyne CO2