------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. R Code and Data Supporting: Estimating densities of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in early invasions using distance sampling 2. Author Information Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: John R. Fieberg Institution: Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Address: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Email: jfieberg [at] umn.edu Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Michael A. McCartney Institution: Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center Address: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Email: mmccartn [at] umn.edu Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Jake M. Ferguson Institution: Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center Address: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Email: jakeferg [at] umn.edu Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Naomi S. Blinick Institution: Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center Address: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Leslie Schroeder Institution: Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center Address: University of Minnesota-Twin Cities 3. Date of data collection: summer 2017 4. Geographic location of data collection: lakes in central Minnesota 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This study was funded by the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center with funding from the Minnesota Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources. JF received partial support from the Minnesota Agricultural Experimental Station and the McKnight Foundation. -------------------------- SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: Ferguson et al. (in review) 3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: https://github.com/troutinthemilk/Zeebs 4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None 5. Was data derived from another source? No 6. Recommended citation for the data: Ferguson, Jake M; Fieberg, John R; McCartney, Michael A.; Blinick, Naomi S.; Schroeder, Leslie. (2019). Data and R code to support: Estimating densities of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in early invasions using distance sampling. Retrieved from the Data Repository for the University of Minnesota, https://doi.org/10.13020/d6hc-bw36. --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- 1. File List A. TransectData_DATA_2017-10-23_1150.csv This dataset contains the transect number, GPS location, observers, and the transect-level covariate clarity measurement. B. Transect Data_Meta.pdf This lists the metainformation for TransectData_DATA_2017-10-23_1150.csv. C. HabitatCharacterizat_DATA_2017-10-12_0821.csv This dataset contains the segment-level covariate information collected along each transect. This includes depth, substrate type, and plant cover. D. Habitat Characterization_Meta.pdf This lists the metainformation for HabitatCharacterizat_DATA_2017-10-12_0821.csv. E. ZebraMusselEncouter_DATA_2017-10-12_0823.csv These are the encounter data for each transect. It includes the transect distance, detection distance, cluster size, and substrate the mussel is attached to. F. Zebra Mussel Encounter_Meta.pdf This lists the metainformation for ZebraMusselEncouter_DATA_2017-10-12_0823.csv G. Final_DensityCode_Vanilla.R This code reads in the data files, formats the datasets appropriately, then estimates the density of zebra mussels using the simple density estimator. This doesn't include any covariates in the analysis. H. ZebraFuncs_Vanilla.R This contains all the helper functions needed to run DensityCode_Vanilla.R. I. Final_DensityCode.R This code reads in the data files, formats the datasets appropriately, then estimates the density of zebra mussels using the covariate modified density estimator. This doesn't include any covariates in the analysis. J. ZebraFuncs.R This contains all the helper functions needed to run Final_DensityCode.R. 2. Relationship between files: The files labeled *_meta.pdf describe the metainformation of each data file (*.csv) in more detail. The data files are called by main files Final_DensityCode.R and DensityCode_Vanilla.R. These main files call the files *Funcs.R. 3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None 4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: For complete methodological details, please refer to Ferguson et al. (In Review). 2. Methods for processing the data: Raw data are provided. Reformatting for analysis occurs in provided code. 3. Instrument- or software-specific information needed to interpret the data: Scripts were written for Program R. Data files can be viewed in any text editor. 4. Standards and calibration information, if appropriate: None 5. Environmental/experimental conditions: None 6. Describe any quality-assurance procedures performed on the data: We have reviewed the code and data for errors. 7. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Jake Ferguson, MichaelMcCartney, Naomi Blinick, Leslie Schroeder, John Fieberg ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: HabitatCharacterizat_DATA_2017-10-12_0821.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 12 2. Number of cases/rows: 270 3. Missing data codes: blank 4. Variable List A. record_id: The unique identifier for the habitat segment. B. distance_along: The distance along the transect where the current segment ends C. depth: depth (in meters) at the end of the segment D. substrate___1: 1 if mud is present in segment, 0 if absent E. substrate___2: 1 if sand is present in segment, 0 if absent F. substrate___3: 1 if gravel is present in segment, 0 if absent G. substrate___4: 1 if pebbles are present in segment, 0 if absent H. substrate___5: 1 if rocks are present in segment, 0 if absent I. substrate___6: 1 if silt is present in segment, 0 if absent J. substrate___7: 1 if other substrate is present in segment, 0 if absent K. plant_cover: 0 if absent in segment 1 if 1-25% cover 2 if 26-50% cover 3 if 51%-75% cover 4 if 76%-100% cover ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: TransectData_DATA_2017-10-23_1150.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 35 2. Number of cases/rows: 104 3. Missing data codes: 9999 4. Variable List A. record_id: The unique identifier for the transect survey. B. lake_name: name of surveyed lake C. start_date: Year-Month-Date D. observer___1: 1 if observer was Naomi on the transect survey, 0 otherwise E. observer___2: 1 if observer was Leslie on the transect survey, 0 otherwise F. observer___3: 1 if observer was Jake on the transect survey, 0 otherwise G. observer___4: 1 if observer was Michael on the transect survey, 0 otherwise H. observer___5: 1 if observer was Kylie on the transect survey, 0 otherwise I. observer___6: 1 if observer was Chris on the transect survey, 0 otherwise J. observer___1: 1 if an other observer was on the transect survey, 0 otherwise K. transect_no: numeric value L: infestationzone: 1 if transect was in the defined infestation zone, 0 otherwise M: gps_location_n: Starting GPS (N) N: gps_location_w: Starting GPS (W) O: Compass bearing: bearing of transect taken from start. P: start_depth: depth measurement at start of transect Q: start_time: time at start of transect survey R: end_depth: epth measurement at end of transect S: end_time: time at end of transect survey T: clarity: water clarity measured at start of transect W: lakedata_complete: indicates the status of the transect survey 0 Incomplete 1 Unverified 2 Complete ----------------------------------------- DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: ZebraMusselEncouter_DATA_2017-10-12_0823.csv ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 20 2. Number of cases/rows: 150 3. Missing data codes: 9999 4. Variable List A. record_id: The unique identifier for the detection evient. B. mussel_distance_along: distance along the transect where the detection occurred (in meters) C. perp_distance: perpindicular distance from the transect to the detection (in centimeters). D. depth: depth measurement at detection event E. side: code for detection on left or right of transect. 1 = left, 2 = right. F. size_width: width of the cluster (in cm) G. size_length: length of the cluster (in cm) H. number_mussels: number of mussels in the cluster. I. mussel_substrate___1: 1 mussel was found on mud substrate, 0 otherwise. J. mussel_substrate___2: 1 mussel was found on sand substrate, 0 otherwise. K. mussel_substrate___3: 1 mussel was found on gravel substrate, 0 otherwise. L. mussel_substrate___4: 1 mussel was found on pebble substrate, 0 otherwise. M. mussel_substrate___5: 1 mussel was found on rock substrate, 0 otherwise. N. mussel_substrate___6: 1 mussel was found on vegetation substrate, 0 otherwise. O. mussel_substrate___7: 1 mussel was found on wood substrate, 0 otherwise. P. mussel_substrate___8: 1 mussel was found on native mussel substrate, 0 otherwise. Q. mussel_substrate___9: 1 mussel was found on metal substrate, 0 otherwise. R. mussel_substrate___10: 1 mussel was found on glass mussel substrate, 0 otherwise. S. mussel_substrate___11: 1 mussel was found on other mussel substrate, 0 otherwise. T. musseldata_95fd_complete: 0=Incomplete, 1=Unverified, 2=Complete