Date: 04/21/11 [[BR]] Location: Tri Valley[[BR]] Aircraft: Loki and Thor[[BR]] Pilot: Garrison Hoe [[BR]] Flights: 4 Loki, 4 Thor[[BR]] **Weather**[[BR]] Weather was good; sunny, light southerly winds winds, temps around 40F. [[BR]] METAR KLVN 211412Z AUTO 17005KT 10SM CLR 03/01 A3031 RMK AO2= [source:/trunk/FlightData/Control_Laws Link to Flight Data] We took Loki and Thor to Tri Valley today to fly the UAV class controllers. Grassy areas were dry enough to support vehicles and the airplanes. We had video from the ground and onboard the airplane. However the onboard video has bad aliasing from the propeller and poor white balance- a better location will help this. The objectives for the deployment were: 1. Fly UAV class controllers (3) and the baseline controller for comparison. 2. Maiden flight of Thor (new daughterboard, pressure sensors, Goodrich probe). We completed 8 flights with data. All student controllers had the same structure as the baseline controller, but with different gains. All programs shared the same command sequence as follows: 1. Level flight for 3 seconds 2. 20 deg roll doublet, 6 seconds 3. Level flight for 2 seconds 4. 5 deg pitch doublet, 6 seconds 5. Level flight Controllers were engaged five times on each flight. Loki Flight 48: Baseline controller. Loki Flight 49: Group 2 controller. Loki Flight 50: Group 3 controller. Loki Flight 51: Group 1 controller. Thor Flight 01: Baseline controller. Thor Flight 02: Group 1 controller. Thor Flight 03: Group 2 controller. Thor Flight 04: Group 3 controller. Issues: 1. On the first attempt with Group 1, the processor stopped before landing, so data was lost. There was no indication as to why this happened. 2. With Thor, the data dump switch did not function. On inspection, one of the wires to the switch had broken. Manually dumped data for these flights. 3. During integration testing, we observed very large drifting on the dynamic pressure for Loki and Thor. After some inspection, we determined that the pressure lines were getting pinched in the fuselage. Back to FlightReports