Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-114 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Eagles Nest Quadrangle, St. Louis County, Minnesota Compiled by Mark Jirsa, Terrance J. Boerboom,(MGS) and Dean Peterson (NRRI) 2001 All digital files were created in UTM zone 15 projection and use the North American 1983 datum New gravity data and processed aeromagnetic grids used to support mapping are available by contacting Mark Jirsa or Val Chandler at the Minnesota Geological Survey. The files are available as: Final Report in folder m114frpt. metadata -- metadata about shape files. m-114.pdf image of the paper plot. Readable with Acrobat Reader 3.0 or higher. m-114.ps postscript image of the paper plot, CD only. On-demand paper plot, or compact disk available from MGS map sales at 612-627-4780 ex 238 or fax at 612-627-4778. Price available on request. ArcView 3.2 shape files stored in folder M-114 on the CD or as a compressed Zip file both on the CD and the MGS FTP site at ftp://mgssun6.mngs.umn.edu/pub2/m-114/. The zipped file can be unloaded to other locations however and will retain the original read/write permissions. The ArcView shape and project files and their explanation (shape files include dbf tables) are listed below: Data outside the area of the Eagles Nest Quadrangle are also included in the shape files. m114.apr – the ArcView 3.2 project file which can be used to view the shape files used to create the M-114 map. labels.shp – unit and structure symbol labels gemdhl – drill hole locations and associated information gemstr – structure measurement locations and associated information. Additional information can be obtained from the accomapanying report. In order for structure symbols in this shape file to display correctly, the accompanying font file Mgs_esri.ttf must be copied into the Fonts folder on which ever drive\directory the system fonts reside. If the gemstr.avl legend file needs to be reloaded, select the sym_code field, then click the Advanced button, select the Avangle field for rotation and set the scale to 24,000. gemglk.shp – geologic line symbols such as faults, fold axis, etc. gemgeol – geologic contact lines, dashed where inferred through lakes gemgeol.avl – color legend file which can be used to recolor the line symbols qdpg348d.shp – outline of Eagles Nest quadrangle lakesprj.shp – outline of lakes digitized from the USGS Eagles Nest quadrangle lake separate. gemsam – sample locations and associated information gemoc – outcrop locations and associated information gemgeou – geologic units of the Eagles Nest quadrangle as prepared for this map gemgeou.avl – color legend file which can be used to recolor the geology polygons Drg348d.tif – USGS drg topographic map Mgs_esri.ttf – font necessary for display of structure symbols. Copy into Fonts system folder. readme.doc and .txt -- explanation of geology codes used on the map.